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如果你有任何问题, 联系宝盈bbin官方登录 IT服务帮助台,电话:518-327-6465或在 使用您的宝盈bbin官方登录电子邮件和密码 . 宝盈bbin官方登录将远程帮助您解决您的问题


In case of an emergency, the ability to interact with employees and students in dispersed locations may become increasingly important. Paul Smith’s College Information Technology Services department provides tools to continue communications and maintain productivity. 


技术提示:备份、备份、备份!!!! 04/30/2018

随着学期结束的临近, several students come into our office seeking help with fear in their eyes and a USB drive in hand.  Normally, 这意味着一个非常重要的项目, presentation, 或者Capstone不能再在USB驱动器上打开.  尽管宝盈bbin官方登录非常希望宝盈bbin官方登录可以用宝盈bbin官方登录的“IT魔法”让USB驱动器起死回生, 宝盈bbin官方登录经常不得不告诉学生一个不幸的消息,他们的项目永远消失了.  你能做些什么来防止这种情况发生在你身上呢?  只要遵循三条规则来保护你的重要文件:备份,备份, & BACKUP.  有哪些备份重要数据的方法?  以下是一些解决方案: 

  1. 问问你自己,“我是否至少把这份文件放在两个地方??”  An easy way of doing this is to save the file on both your local hard drive on your PC and on a USB drive.
  2. Email yourself 您的文件作为附件.  尽管你每次做出改变时都要这样做, 在无法访问最新文档的情况下,您至少有一个还原点.
  3. To the cloud!  如今,云基础存储和以往一样简单.  Saving a document in the cloud allows you to keep your important documents off site where a 3rd 派对公司会保证它的安全.  这里有一些简单的基于云的解决方案供您使用!
    • OneDrive: 这可以通过你的宝盈bbin官方网站的帐户登录到网络邮件 
      • Storage/Cost: 1TB Free (使用您的宝盈bbin官方网站电子邮件帐户)
        • Log into your account.
        • 单击左上角的3×3网格.
        • Click OneDrive.
    • Google Drive: 如果你有谷歌账号(或YouTube账号), 登录到谷歌与任何一个,你将已经有一个谷歌驱动器为您的帐户. 
      • Storage/Cost: 17GB Free (可付费升级)
    • DropBox: DropBox是另一个严格意义上的云基础存储系统的在线解决方案.  In addition, it allows you to have a folder locally on your PC that automatically syncs with the cloud for a seamless backup solution.
      • Storage/Cost: 2GB Free (可付费升级) 




这里是宝盈bbin官方网站, the IT Department is determined to keep our community well informed about current trends and best practices in technology.  除了用户名和密码, phishing attackers may also try and trick you into filling out personal identifiable information in various ways.  A way for this type of attack to look more legitimate is by disguising themselves as a person or group that may have influence over in some way.  For example, an attacker may try to disguise their email account and message as someone from your organization’s Human Resource department.  From here, the tactic of authority may come into play when they ask you to fill out information to adjust your direct deposit information.  With this information, you may be providing the attacker all the personal identifiable information required to fill out a W-2 which can be used to compromise your finances. 

Phishing Tips:

  • 当涉及到创建网络钓鱼电子邮件时,攻击者总是会尝试以下方法之一.  如果你收到一封要求采取进一步行动的邮件,上面的任何一条都适用, 你应该立即持怀疑态度:
    • 权威-听起来像你是一个权威人物,要求合法的信息.
    • 恐吓-无论是微妙的还是更直接的,都可以建立一种优越感.
    • 共识/社会认同——经常通过群体谈判获得认可.
    • 稀缺性——供给/需求
    • 紧急-现在就买,否则就太迟了!  在受到严重的纪律处分之前,现在就做这件事.
    • 熟悉/喜欢——通过相似的思想和联系创造信任.
  • No legitimate company, group, or person will request personal identifiable information from you unless you are the one who initiates the request.
    • 例子:打电话给你的银行询问你的账户里有多少钱, and they verify your identify by asking for your last four digits of your Social Security Number.
  • Feel free to forward any suspicious requests to IT or the department that is being impersonated by the attacker, 而不是回复邮件.


Cassidy Smith

Network Administrator



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Information Technology

Room 112






这里是宝盈bbin官方网站, the IT Department is determined to keep our community well informed about current trends and best practices in technology.  一个免费使用的服务,称为病毒总量允许您扫描任何文件, website, 或者其他信息,在互动前确定是否可疑.  This site works by running your entered content through over 70 antivirus scanners and URL/website blacklisting services.  这项服务的用途如下:

  1. 如果你从一个网站下载了一个文件,对你来说是新的或可疑的.
  2. If you downloaded a file after realizing that you may have accidently downloaded something suspicious through an email or website.
  3. If you are about to go to a website that is suspicious or considered dangerous due to its offered content (i.e. free media).



Feel free to check out other services offered through Virus Total to further increase your security online!



这里是宝盈bbin官方网站, the IT Department is determined to keep our community well informed about current trends and best practices in technology.  Wireless interference is when outside barriers and obstacles reduce the strength of wireless channels allowing connections to wireless devices.  Because of interference, 无线连接可能会变慢和/或以随机间隔断开. 


  • 微波炉(打开时)
  • 蓝牙设备(当蓝牙启用、激活和/或漫游时)
  • 无线音频系统(大多数是蓝牙)
  • 冰箱(当马达启动时)


  • Refrigerators
  • Wooden stand up closet


  • Each dorm room has one in-wall wireless access point with two wired ports with a light above the top port.  If possible, attempt to rearrange your dorm room where a mini refrigerator and any big/bulky wooden furniture isn’t directly in front.  墙内接入点前面的物理对象越少, 信号强度就会越强.
  • 禁用个人打印机的无线功能,直到需要连接它才能打印.
  • 禁用设备上的蓝牙漫游,直到需要连接.
  • 禁用宿舍或办公室的家用无线路由器的无线功能.  宝盈bbin官方登录的网络设计使这些设备不再是必需的.  如果你在家里的路由器上开启了无线功能, 你正在干扰附近任何试图连接的人 宝盈bbin官方登录 Wifi.  如果你觉得这个装置是必要的, 请联系IT Helpdesk,宝盈bbin官方登录将非常乐意为您提供帮助! 

如果您对这封邮件中的信息有任何其他问题, 请不要犹豫,尽管问 😊




  1. 检查HTTPS -提交用户名时, password(s), 及/或个人身份资料(PII), 经常检查网站的域名(URL).  If it has http:// 和“安全”在附近的某个地方,然后你就可以开始了!  以下是ps-portal的例子


If it doesn’t have http:// 和“安全”在附近的某个地方,那么你的信息就有被窃取的风险.  这里有一个假冒网站的例子

  1. 检查链接——如果你在一封邮件中看到一个链接,要求你点击它, 调查它会先把你送到哪里.  你可以简单地把鼠标悬停在它上面,看看链接会带你去哪里.  下面是一个使用假帮助台电子邮件的例子:


如您所见,链接似乎没有使用 http:// 还有一个模糊的地址.  虽然在什么是安全的网页链接点击有一些灰色地带, 至少在看到一个不使用的网站时要怀疑 http:// 

  1. Analyze the Message – One of the easiest ways to trick users is exploiting the user directly.  For example, some phishing attacks will send you a fake email notifying you of a problem with a recent “Amazon order”.  尽管你可能对亚马逊没有什么期待, 你可能对这是什么东西有个奇怪的想法.  宝盈bbin官方登录中的一些人可以很快地质疑这个理论,但其他人可能做不到.  因此,用户可能成为这种攻击的受害者. 

Conclusion:  网络钓鱼攻击并不新鲜,而且永远不会消失.  尽管向IT部门询问电子邮件的合法性可能会奏效, 宝盈bbin官方登录不可能核实每封可疑邮件的合法性.  It is up to you, the user, 当你收到一封要求你执行某些操作的电子邮件时,知道该寻找什么.  如果您执行以下步骤来防御网络钓鱼, you will have the tools you need to drastically reduce your odds on becoming a victim to a phishing attack. 



这里是宝盈bbin官方网站, the IT Department is determined to keep our community well informed about current trends and best practices in technology.  本报告重点介绍了最近涉及Equifax的身份盗窃攻击, 全球消费者信用报告机构.  About a week ago, the company release a statement stating that millions of users had their personal information stolen.  如果您认为您受到此事件的影响,请点击此 link for more information.

 NOTE:  We advise you to not to do a free credit check through Equifax since they were responsible for the data breach in the first place.

 在这个事件之外, please note that identity theft is a very common yet successful attack that compromises your personal information.  以下是一些小窍门,教你如何侦测及更有效地防止身分盗窃:

  1. Always 对任何向你索要个人信息的人都要保持怀疑.  Legitimate companies will not initiate a line of communication with you asking for personal information including the Paul Smith’s College IT Department.
  2. 如果可用,请对可能使用的服务启用双因素身份验证.  For example, 如果您的亚马逊帐户启用了双因素身份验证, PIN将被发送到您授权的电话号码(图1).  从这里开始,您需要在亚马逊登录中输入您的PIN才能继续.  If an attacker had your e-mail and password, they would not be able to log in without the PIN.  With this attempt, 你会收到一个发送到你手机上的密码, 但如果你不买的话, you will realize (hopefully) that someone is trying to log in Amazon with your e-mail and password.
  3. 高价值业务使用不同且复杂的密码.  For example, if you use the same password for your bank login and Facebook and your Facebook login information is stolen, 那么你的银行账户也可能被泄露.
  4. 不要使用可以通过社交媒体发现的安全问题的答案.  例如,如果你有一个安全问题,“你上的是哪所高中??,你在Facebook上分享你要去参加高中十年校友聚会, 然后攻击者就能把事实和事实联系起来, 回答你的安全问题.

 可以找到更多信息 here.






如果你曾经登录到你的Windows电脑,你正在离开你的电脑, 宝盈bbin官方登录强烈建议您按Windows键(在Ctrl和Alt键之间)+ L.

如果你曾经登录到你的Mac设备,你正在离开你的设备, we strongly encourage you to press Control+Shift+Eject (or Power if you do not have an Eject button).

这样做的目的是防止任何人未经您的允许使用您的设备.  这也隐藏了你当时可能正在做的任何私人或敏感的工作.  这里有一些例子,说明如果你的设备无人看管且未上锁,会发生什么:

  • 一个用户在你的Facebook时间轴上发布了一些疯狂的内容, 点赞“五分钱乐队官方粉丝页”(如果你开着Facebook).
  • 在Moodle上更改成绩的学生.
  • 发送电子邮件的用户.



教育宝盈bbin官方登录的用户如何使用资讯科技, 宝盈bbin官方登录想分享一些与最近的网络钓鱼攻击有关的信息.  A phishing attack is when a malicious user emails/online messages you trying to disguise themselves as a legitimate source, 或者你可以信任的人.  以下是一些场景:

Scenario 1:

An email could be sent to you by what appears to be FedEx asking you to click a link for a status update.  虽然你不期待任何包裹, or if you’re not going through the already verified tracking number given to you for a legitimate package, 您可能会忍不住点击链接.


Scenario 2:

An urgent email coming from what appears to be Helpdesk asking you to email back with your username and password stating that your account needs immediate attention.


当你要继续写邮件的时候, 总是检查它来自哪里,而不是通过标题名称, 但是完整的电子邮件地址.  这是宝盈bbin官方登录今天早上收到通知的一个例子


正如您所看到的,来自宝盈bbin官方登录的“From”字段没有 ending.  因此,这条消息几乎可以肯定是一个网络钓鱼企图.

如果您还有任何问题,请告诉宝盈bbin官方登录.  We are here to help the community be safer and more productive while using information technology.